Sappalodapps Development Приложения

Qibla Compass
Sappalodapps Development
Prayer times, distance and direction (pointedby the arrow) to Kaaba in Mecca. It takes the difference betweenmagnetic and true north in consideration.Hold phone on flat surface and away from ferrous metal objects andelectromagnetic fields.Select islamic league in app Settings.Request new features here: qibla, makkah, mecca, prayer, salah, salat, direction, islam,muslim, kaabaIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Write Snaps - Snap Story 5.10
Sappalodapps Development
<<<<< YOU CAN'T PUT IMAGE INSTORY >>>>>Download Write Snaps for FREE now and start adding texts and emojison your pictures on a snap. Write Snaps is a photography app foryour Android phone that allows our users to write on their photoseasily. There are a lot of customization options including color,size, fonts, border, and transparency. You can also add some photofilters to your picture. It is designed not to replace a moreadvanced photo editor such as photoshop but to provide a quick wayfor casual users to add write on photo and post them on social andchat apps such as snapchat.************If you are looking for an insta photo writer app to add text andemojis to your pic, you should download Write Snap. It is thesimplest photo editor app to write on your picture without hassle.Maybe you want to add photo captions before your share your selfieson Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram. Maybe you want to add yourfavorite quotes to create inspirational pictures. Write Snaps is aperfect solution if you need a casual photo editor app.=========== Write Snaps TOP features: ==========1. Download Write Snaps for FREE and use this photo editor app asoften as you like with no worry.2. Choose pictures from your Gallery or Photo Album. Or takeselfies and new picture directly from your device’s Camera.3. Write on texts your pictures easily. You can type in anythingyou like: photo caption, quotes, your names, jokes, etc. Make yourpicture stands out and fun!4. Choose your fonts from 200 available fonts. There is somethingfor everyone no matter what mood you are in.5. Change your text color, text shadow, and text size.6. Change the text stroke color and width.7. Change the text background color or the highlight of yourquotes.8. Set the text transparency.9. Rotate the text on your pics as you wish.10. Add emojis to your pictures with your emoji keyboard. You canadd emojis from your device and from Whatsapp native emojis.11. Apply other photography filters of your choice.12. Share your picture on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and othersocial networks and chat apps.If you need a heavy duty photo editor like photoshop, thisphotography app is not for you. We are focusing on users for casualphoto editing needs, especially photo writer with customizabletexts and emojis without losing the quality of existing image file.It literally takes only a snap of your finger to write on photoswith Write Snaps.Here are step by step guide on how you can write on photo and addphotography filters super easily with Write Snaps:1. Choose Image from Gallery or Camera2. Write on texts or emojis of your choice.3. Adjust colors, size, and background simply by tapping anddragging appropriate bar and see the result directly.4. Tap on Adjust Font Style to change the font and choose from ourmassive font collection.5. Apply photo filters from our collections.6. Save and share your pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, andInsta gram.7. Don’t forget to add #WriteSnaps tag on pic to have the chance tobe featured on the app Home Screen!So, what are you waiting for? Download Write Snaps FREE now. Starthaving fun with your selfies and pictures! Add quotes and adorableemojis to show your emotion. A picture is worth a thousand wordsbut why not adding your own voice? There are so many things you cando with our app and we are looking forward to see different ways onhow Write Snaps improve your photos and how far your creativitytakes you.Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Formelsammlung Mathematik 3.0.26
Sappalodapps Development
Eines der leistungsfähigsten und unglaublichenSchöpfungen des menschlichen Geistes, von Galileo bis Einstein,steht jetzt auf Ihrem Smartphone zur Verfügung. Dank unserer App,der vollständigen Mathe Formelsammlung, werden Sie in Ihren Händenalles haben, um jede mathematische Übung oder ein Problem schnellund effektiv zu lösen.Diese Anwendung ist eine komplette mathematische Formelsammlung,mit allen erforderlichen mathematischen Formeln von der Grundschulebis zur Universität. Dank unseres App Designs ist die Anwendungsehr einfach zu bedienen und intuitiv. Wenn Sie studieren oder wennSie ein Lehrer, ein Wissenschaftler oder ein professioneller ,dermit Zahlen und mathematische Formeln umgeht, sind, haben Sie geradeein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug entdeckt, das Ihnen helfen wird, dieMenge, die Qualität und die Effizienz Ihrer Arbeit zu zuverbessern.In der App werden Sie mathematische Symbolerklärungen,Algebraformeln, Analyseformeln, analytische Geometrieformeln,Trigonometrieformeln, Logikformeln und Grundrechenarten finden,umden jüngeren Schülern, diese erstaunliche und geheimnisvolleWissenschaft zu besser zu erklären.★Die App ist in die folgende Bereiche unterteilt:- Grundrechenarten- Algebra- Analyse- Geometrie- Trigonometrie- Analytische Geometrie- LogikIn jedem Bereich finden Sie die entsprechenden mathematischenFormeln und eine vollständige Erklärung mit Grafiken, um Ihnen zuhelfen, die verschiedenen Themen zu verstehen. Die vollständigeMathe Formelsammlung ist auch ein großes Werkzeug für Mathematikund Wissenschaftslehrer; alles was Sie brauchen, ist Ihr Smartphoneoder Tablet, keine umständlichen Bücher mehr!Alles was Sie tun müssen, um loszulegen ist das Herunterladen derMathe Formelsammlung, dieser erstaunlichen Formel-App ist KOSTENLOSim Google Play Store verfügbar. JETZT DOWNLOADEN!!!SD-Karteninstallation wird unterstützt. Fehlerberichte an denInhalt und die App sind mehr als willkommen. Vorschläge für neueEigenschaften wären toll!Eigenschaften:★ Innovative Software★ HD Grafik★ SD-Karteninstallation unterstützt★ Intuitive und freundliche Schnittstelle★ Jahrhunderte von Wissen in der Tasche★ Benutzerkommentare: ★★★★★★ “Ich bin ein Mathelehrer seit 20 Jahren, und ich muss sagen,dass dieses Werkzeug sehr nützlich ist, und es ist kostenlos;vielen Dank!"★★★★★Peter - Köln★★★★★ “Ich hatte immer Probleme, mich an die mathematische Formelnzu erinnern; Diese App hat mein Leben einfacher gemacht. NächstesJahr werde ich die Uni starten, und da ich Biologie wähle, habenwir auch viel Mathe!” ★★★★★Thomas – Wien★★★★★ “Ich hatte ein hartes Leben in der Hochschule mit Mathe, dasich es nicht mochte. Jetzt helfe ich meinen Kindern mit derHausaufgabe, und diese app hilft mir sehr.” ★★★★★Andi – Berlin★ ★ ★ Die komplette Formelsammlung Mathematik Pro JETZT ★★ OHNEWERBUNG ★★ auf Google Play Store HERUNTERLADEN !!!★ ★ ★★ ★ Diese App ist auch in anderen Sprachen verfügbar. Sie könnendie folgenden Versionen finden:Spanisch: Fórmulas MatemáticasFranzözisch: Formules mathématiquesEnglish: The complete Math Formulary*Anrufer-IDFormelsammlung Mathematik hat kostenlose Anrufer-ID. Sieidentifiziert Anrufer für Sie - auch die, die nicht in IhrerKontaktliste sind. Anrufer-IDs werden auch nach Anrufen angezeigtund ermöglichen es auch, Kontaktdetails direkt in Ihr Adressbuch zuspeichern.Sie können die Anrufer-ID in Ihren Einstellungen jederzeit(after-call menu settings) anpassen oder deaktivieren.One of the most powerfuland incredible creations of the human mind, from Galileo toEinstein, is now available on your smartphone available. Thanks toour app, complete math formulary, you will have in your handseverything to solve any mathematical exercise or problem quicklyand effectively.This application is a complete mathematical formula collection,with all the necessary mathematical formulas from primary school touniversity. Thanks to our app design, the application is very easyto use and intuitive. If you study or if you are a teacher, ascientist or a professional who deals with numbers and mathematicalformulas, you have just discovered a powerful tool that will helpyou determine the amount, the quality and efficiency of your workto improve.In the app you will mathematical explanation of symbols, formulasalgebra, analysis formulas, analytic geometry formulasTrigonometrieformeln, logic and basic arithmetic formulas found tobetter explain to the younger students, this amazing and mysteriousscience. ★ The app is in the following areas divided:- Basic arithmetic- Algebra- analysis- geometry- Trigonometry- Analytic Geometry- logic In each section you will find the appropriate mathematical formulasand a full explanation with graphics to help you understand thevarious issues. The complete math formula collection is also agreat tool for math and science teachers; all you need is yoursmartphone or tablet, no complicated books more!All you have to do to get started is to download the MathFormulary, this amazing formula app is available for FREE in theGoogle Play Store. DOWNLOAD NOW !!! SD Card Installation is supported. Bug reports to the content andthe app are more than welcome. Proposals for new features would begreat! Characteristics:★ Innovative Software★ HD graphics★ SD card installation supported★ Intuitive and friendly interface★ centuries of knowledge in your pocket ★ User comments: ★★★★★★ "I am a math teacher for 20 years, and I have to say thatthis tool is very useful, and it's free; thank you! "★★★★★Peter - Cologne★★★★★ "I always had problems to recall the mathematical formulas;This app has made my life easier. Next year I'm going to start theuniversity, and because I choose biology, we also have a lot ofmath! "★★★★★Thomas - Vienna★★★★★ "I had a hard life in college with math, I did not like it.Now I help my children with their homework, and this app helps me alot. "★★★★★Andi - Berlin ★ ★ ★ The complete formulary mathematics Pro NOW ★★ ★★ withoutadvertising on the Google Play store DOWNLOAD !!!★ ★ ★ ★ ★ This app is also available in other languages. You can find thefollowing versions:Spanish: Formulas MatemáticasFrench hissing: Formules mathématiquesEnglish: The Complete Math Formulary* Caller IDFormulary Mathematics has free caller ID. It identifies callers foryou - even those who are not in your contact list. Caller ID isdisplayed even after calls and also make it possible to storecontact details directly into your address book.You can customize or disable the caller ID in your settings at anytime (after-call menu settings).
Mono Bluetooth Router 1.2.4
Sappalodapps Development
This is a simple application that allows youroute sound via mono Bluetooth headset. Normally android devicescan not play music via mono Bluetooth headsets. With Mono BluetoothRouter you can listen podcasts, internet radio, use GPS navigationvoice messages and many others. If your use case does not requirehigh quality of sound - Mono Bluetooth Router is good solution foryou!Here are some features:- sending of media sound to Bluetooth hands free if it does notsupport A2DP profile- sound indication when routing is switched on- restoring of sound volume after switching off the routing- indication when routing is on in status bar- restores Bluetooth routing after phone callThis is version with advertising - if this application works wellfor you and you would like to support the development of newversions of this application consider downloading Mono BluetoothRouter Pro. Thank you!Supports Android 2.2 and higher.Before using it make sure your Bluetooth headset is switched onbefore start the application.On android 4.0 please make sure you switch on routing before soundstarted to play.Known Issues:- Sound quality is not perfect. Unfortunately I still not found away to deliver high quality of sound, though I am constantlylooking for way to make it better. Still hope that low quality isbetter then no Bluetooth sound at all.- Not all models supported;- On some issues of Samsung Galaxy S2 - the native music player isnot working - please use third party MP3 music player;- On some issues of Samsung Galaxy S3 - the sound from microphonealso routing through the headset so you hear all noises around thatmakes program useless;- Sometimes the program is being killed by Android so music goestrough loudspeakers on full volume;Mono Bluetooth Router has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show callinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are not inyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at any timein the settings menu.
Drugs Dictionary 9.2.22
Sappalodapps Development
Very useful drugs dictionary. Very friendlyand beautiful interface. The best choice for pocket drugsdictionary.All useful information about drugs: uses, how to take, sideeffects, precautions, drug interactions, missed dose andstorage.Easily search to lookup the drug you are looking for and get alldetails with just one click and see what Medical drug is the best.With this app you will have the best and most detailed Android drugdictionary app. It’s free to download and is very simple.Drugs Dictionary has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show callinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are not inyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at any timein the settings menu.
Formules mathématiques 3.0.26
Sappalodapps Development
Formules mathématiques is the French versionof the Math Formulary App that covers all mathematical formulasthat are usually used in the school and the university. Wherenecessary graphics are included to depict and explain the topicbetter.The content is organized into following groups:- Basic Arithmetic- Algebra- Analysis- Geometry- Trigonometry- Analytical Geometry- LogicSD-Card Installation is supported. Bug reports related to thecontent and the app itself are more than welcome. Proposals for newfeatures would be great.This is the free version of the Formules mathématiques Pro app thatyou can get from IDFormules mathématiques has free caller ID. It identifies callersfor you - even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID resultsare shown after calls and also allow you to save the contactdetails directly to your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in theafter-call menu settings any time.
Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout 3.3.27
Sappalodapps Development
Interval Timer 4 HIIT Training is aninvaluable countdown timer for all people interested in workout andtraining. Just set up any number of workout and restintervals and you're ready to maximize your training results.It doesn't matter what kind of workout you do -whether you run, use it for cycling, sprint, tabata, weightlifting, HIIT training, some cardio, boxing or martial arts. It issuitable also for lots of "home workout / training" like the onesyou can find all over the Internet! It can also fully substituteyour physical HIIT interval timer you'd otherwise need to carry inthe gym. It can even be used during study or cooking! The bestthing is that this app is always with you, because it's on yourphone.Just set your own training schedule the with the number of rounds,workout time and the rest time. Before the actual exercise you canalso set up the preparation time and after you finish your workoutuse the relax time for the cool-down period. Import, Export,Download and Upload your training plans! - This site is a great addition to Android appitself. You can find here all the information about the IntervalTimer, some tips & tricks, all the user uploaded training plansand many more. Check it out after you're done with yourworkout.Interval Training Timer 4 HIIT will:- Logs each of your training- Gives you awards as you workout- Allows you to set own workout sounds, vibrations and colors- Is ready for import and export of your exercises, stats andawards to SD card or internal storage- Allows you to download and upload the training to theInternet- And share them with the world!- Combine various training into one long session in ExtendedTrainingYou don't know what HIIT is?High-intensity interval training describes an exercise composed ofHIIT techniques. HIIT workout sessions generally consist of a warmup period, then several repetitions of high intensity exerciseseparated by a medium intensity exercise for recovery, then a cooldown period. The number of repetitions and length of each dependson the exercise, but may be as little as three repetitions withjust 20 seconds of intense exercise. [wikipedia]Tip: If you hear the counter through the external speakers evenwhen the headphones are plugged in - you can always go to thepreferences and un-check the "Use alarm volume".Tip: If your background music is disrupted with every sound timermakes, you just have to disable "use alarm volume" inoptions.Free AD supported version!Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout has free Caller ID. Caller ID willshow call information during/after calls - even for contacts thatare not in your phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller IDat any time in the settings menu.Facebook:
Antibiotics Dictionary 4.13
Sappalodapps Development
Antibiotics DictionaryAntibiotics Dictionary has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show callinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are not inyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at any timein the settings menu.
Fórmulas Matemáticas 3.0.26
Sappalodapps Development
This is the Spanish version of the MathFormulary App.One of the most powerful and incredible creations of the humanmind, from Galileo to Einstein, is now available for you on yoursmartphone. Thanks to our app, Fórmulas Matemáticas, you'll have inyour hands everything you need to handle every mathematicalexercise or problem quickly and effectively.This application is a complete math formulary, with all of mathformulas needed from school to University. Thanks to our graphicdesign and software, the interface is very easy to use andintuitive. If you study or if you are a teacher, a scientist or aprofessional dealing with numbers and math formulas, you justdiscovered a powerful science tool, which will help you to improvea lot the quality and effectiveness of your work.In the app you will find mathematical symbols explanation, freemath worksheets, Algebra formulas, analysis formulas, geometryformulas, analytical geometry formulas, trigonometry formulas,logic formulas and basic arithmetic to help the younger students tolearn this amazing and mysterious science.★The app interface is organized in the following areas:- Basic Arithmetic- Algebra- Analysis- Geometry- Trigonometry- Analytical Geometry- LogicIn every area, you will find the related math formulas and acomplete explanation with graphics to help you understand thevarious topics. Fórmulas Matemáticas is a great tool for math andscience teachers as well; all you need to have with you is yoursmartphone or tablet, no more books to carry during yourwork!All you need to do to get started is downloading FórmulasMatemáticas, this amazing math formula app, for FREE on Google PlayStore NOW!!!SD-Card Installation is supported. Bug reports related to thecontent and the app itself are more than welcome. Proposals for newfeatures would be great!Features:★ Innovative software★ HD Graphics★ SD-Card Installation supported★ Intuitive and friendly UI★ Centuries of knowledge in your pocket★ User’s reviews: ★★★★★★ “I’ve been working as a math teacher for 20 years, and I haveto say that this tool is very useful, and it’s free of charge;thanks a lot!” ★★★★★Peter - Boston★★★★★ “I always had problems remembering math formulas; this appmade my life easier. Next year I’ll start university, and I choosebiology, I’m very excited about this!” ★★★★★Marta – Oregon★★★★★ “I had a hard life during high school with math, I didn’tlike it that much. Now I’m helping my kids doing homework, and Ithis app is helping me a lot.” ★★★★★John – San Francisco★ ★ ★ DOWNLOAD Fórmulas Matemáticas Pro NOW ★★ ADS FREE ★★ onGoogle Play Store!!!★ ★ ★★ ★ This App is available in other languages as well. You can findthe following versions:English: Math FormularyFrench: Formules mathématiquesGerman: Formelsammlung MathematikCaller IDFórmulas Matemáticas has free caller ID. It identifies callers foryou - even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results areshown after calls and also allow you to save the contact detailsdirectly to your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in theafter-call screen menu settings any time.
Wallet 1.8.16
Sappalodapps Development
This application keeps track of the funds inyour wallet. You can input your income and expenses as they comeby. The application will display a detailed usage history as wellas tally up daily and total expense and income. This is a goodalternative for the paper and pen or memo way of no problem manage money expense income tracking funds in handcurrent funds expense manager budget tracker funds manager easymoney managementIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
GPS Trip Recorder 2.3.18
Sappalodapps Development
GPS Trip Recorder, Record your trips usingGPS!Drive, walk or ride your bike or even fly on an airplane while GPSTrip Recorder recording your movements and keep tracking yourlocation in real time on the map, and showing your speed anddistance in real time!At the end of trip, user can choose to save it so it can be seenlater.GPS Trip Recorder saves your trip route and other details aboutyour trip such as:Duration, Average Speed, Distance and more..!And yes, this app is completely free!! Free free!GPS Trip Recorder has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show callinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are not inyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at any timein the settings menu.
Math Formulary 3.0.26
Sappalodapps Development
One of the most powerful and incrediblecreations of the human mind, from Galileo to Einstein, is nowavailable for you on your smartphone. Thanks to our app, MathFormulary, you'll have in your hands everything you need to handleevery mathematical exercise or problem quickly andeffectively.This application is a complete math formulary, with all of mathformulas needed from school to University. Thanks to our graphicdesign and software, the interface is very easy to use andintuitive. If you study or if you are a teacher, a scientist or aprofessional dealing with numbers and math formulas, you justdiscovered a powerful science tool, which will help you to improvea lot the quality and effectiveness of your work.In the app you will find mathematical symbols explanation, freemath worksheets, Algebra formulas, analysis formulas, geometryformulas, analytical geometry formulas, trigonometry formulas,logic formulas and basic arithmetic to help the younger students tolearn this amazing and mysterious science.★The app interface is organized in the following areas:- Basic Arithmetic- Algebra- Analysis- Geometry- Trigonometry- Analytical Geometry- LogicIn every area, you will find the related math formulas and acomplete explanation with graphics to help you understand thevarious topics. Math Formulary is a great tool for math and scienceteachers as well; all you need to have with you is your smartphoneor tablet, no more books to carry during your work!All you need to do to get started is downloading Math Formulary,this amazing math formula app, for FREE on Google Play StoreNOW!!!SD-Card Installation is supported. Bug reports related to thecontent and the app itself are more than welcome. Proposals for newfeatures would be great!Either kids math or complex maths this free math app is a problemsolver for you. Math learning is very easy and fun with these mathworksheets now.Features:★ Innovative software★ HD Graphics★ SD-Card Installation supported★ Intuitive and friendly UI★ Centuries of knowledge in your pocket★ User’s reviews: ★★★★★★ “I’ve been working as a math teacher for 20 years, and I haveto say that this tool is very useful, and it’s free of charge;thanks a lot!” ★★★★★Peter - Boston★★★★★ “I always had problems remembering math formulas; this appmade my life easier. Next year I’ll start university, and I choosebiology, I’m very excited about this!” ★★★★★Marta – Oregon★★★★★ “I had a hard life during high school with math, I didn’tlike it that much. Now I’m helping my kids doing homework, and Ithis app is helping me a lot.” ★★★★★John – San Francisco★ ★ ★ DOWNLOAD Math Formulary Pro NOW ★★ ADS FREE ★★ on Google PlayStore!!!★ ★ ★★ ★ This App is available in other languages as well. You can findthe following versions:Spanish: Fórmulas MatemáticasFrench: Formules mathématiquesGerman: Formelsammlung MathematikCaller IDMath Formulary has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you -even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in theafter-call screen menu settings any time.
150000+ Message Collection 1.0.22
Sappalodapps Development
Largest Message collection with 150000+ SMSmessages.Useful for daily SMS, Wish SMS on whatsapp, hike, line, WeChat,Facebook, Twitter......Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyou identify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disableSmallest Size of app contains largest message collection and alsoworks without Internet Connection.It Includes Following Categories:★ Anniversary Message★ April Fool Message★ Attitude Message★ Best Wishes Message★ Birthday Message★ Break Up Message★ Chocolate Day Message★ Christmas Message★ Congratulations Message★ Cool Message★ Diwali Message★ Dussera Message★ Eid Message★ Exam Message★ Father’s Day Message★ Friendship Message★ Funny Message★ Good Luck Message★ Good Morning Message★ Good Night Message★ Holi Message★ Independence Day Message★ Jokes Message★ Kiss Message★ Life Message★ Love Message★ Makar Sankranti Message★ Marriage Message★ Miss You Message★ Mother’s Day Message★ Navratri Message★ New Year★ Quotes★ Republic Day★ Romantic★ Sorry★ Teachers Day★ Thank You★ Valentine Day★ Women’s DayIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
7 Seconds Challenge 1.3.32
Sappalodapps Development
During the evening, you tend to getbored?During the day, you don't want to chill anymore?Seven Seconds Challenge is the app you need!Seven Seconds Challenge is a friendly application of fastchallenges. In seven seconds, with friends or family at a party,you have to do your best to realise a challenge or answer aquestion. It's the new kind of Truth or Dare but funnier andquicker !• More than 200 different challenges !• Play with up to 12 of your friends with just one smartphone• Turn on or off a naughty mode to add spice to your partyIf you'd love Truth or Dare, you'd love all about this game ! Theprinciple of that game was invented by AmazingPhil so if you lovethe game, you might thanks him !Caller ID feature7 Seconds Challenge has free caller ID. It identifies callers foryou - even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results areshown after calls and also allow you to save the contact detailsdirectly to your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.Download our 7 Seconds Challenge app now!Found bug? Please contact us to fix it.
Notifications for Smartwatch 2 2.1.37
Sappalodapps Development
BT notifier / noticer for Android Sony SmartWatch 2. Connect to remote devices with bluetooth and checknotifications in your notifications bar.This app will send to your Sony Smart Watch thesenotifications:- Gmail- WhatsApp- Line- Outlook- SpotBros- Viber- Hangouts- BBM- WeChat- TelegramHow to synchronise the Smartwatch with Notifications for theSmartwatch2 app;Steps:1. Download & install the "Notifications for Smartwatch 2" appfrom the Google Play Store.2. Open the "Notifications for Smartwatch 2" app and tap OK buttonthen accept the permissions by toggling the Notifications forSmartwatch 2 button.3. Turn on the Bluetooth on Smartwatch.4. Download & install the "Smart connect" app on the mobilephone from the Google Play Store. Open the "Smart connect" app, then check the "Terms of use"check button and tap "Accept" button. (Bluetooth for the mobilephone will get enabled automatically on opening the smart connectapp).6. Open "Accessories" tab, once Smartwatch is connected with thephone, "SmartWatch 2" app will appear in the list.7. Tap on "SmartWatch 2" and install SmartWatch 2 host app.8. Allow the permission for "Notifications for Smartwatch 2"app.9. Smartwatch is connected and ready to use.To delete all notifications on Smartwatch you can:- Go settings- Open a notification, tap menu button and tap Del All.Or you can Delete only one notification:- Open a notification, tap menu button and tap Del.Free BT notifier app for Smartwatch. Easy and simple to use withsmart connect extension for SmartWatch 2.Notifications for Smartwatch 2 has free Caller ID. Caller ID willshow call information during/after calls - even for contacts thatare not in your phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller IDat any time for free in the settings menu.
Pocket Skip Track 1.5.20
Sappalodapps Development
Switching tracks volume buttons.Only guaranteed to work with PowerAmp correct operation of the other players the author is notresponsible!Author is also not responsible for the correct operation is not onfirmware other than pure Android!For *ROOT* available switching on long press (only works on rooteddevices)!!!This program is designed to switch tracks in the player is runningand off the device screen by double clicking on the volumebutton.The program allows you to choose your preferred delay betweenclicks.To switch to the next track you need to make two clicks on the"volume up" with a delay of no more than specified in the "Delay".Accordingly, previous track - "volume down".!!! The program works only when the play player and the screenturns off. Krosfeyd in the player must be disconnected. Probablydoes not work on runoff firmware HTC (disable a smooth change inthe volume, if possible) !!!Can not work with some devices.
Sleep Calculator 1.6.5
Sappalodapps Development
Sleep Cycle Calculator helps you figure outwhen to go to sleep, and when to wake up, in order to feel rested,energized and refreshed and avoid the morning groggy feeling.This is a free sleep app that can set an alarm for you to wake upin-between sleep cycles in order to start the day relaxed and witha clear mind.Every time you go to sleep, you experience a series of sleep cyclesthat last on average 90 minutes, and waking up during one of thesleep cycles makes you feel groggy and exhausted even with plentyof hours of sleep - sleep cycle calculator tries to determine thebest wake up times, or go to bed time in order to workaround thissituation.Perfect at figuring out sleep cycles and recommended for people whohave trouble sleeping and don't have a fixed sleepingschedule.There are four sleep calculation scenarios to choosefrom:Scenario 1: you want to know when to go to sleep in order towake up at a specified time. Sets a go to bed alarm.Scenario 2: you want to know when to wake up if you go tobed at a specific time. Sets a wake up alarm.Scenario 3: you want to know the best times to wake up ifyou go to sleep right now.Scenario 4: you plan to take a power nap and you want toknow when you should wake up.What this app does• This Sleep Calculator app is the Android companion of the website• Calculates when you should wake up and when you should go tosleep in order to wake up in-between sleep cycles.• Calculates when you should wake up if you were to go to sleep nowor take a power-nap.• Calculates a list of possible "go to bed" or "wake up" timesdepending on your needs.• The app is able to add alarms to the default Android Alarm app byselecting a time entry available in the sleep cycles list.• Sleep Calculator provides a settings option to take into accountthe time it takes for you to fall asleep (default: 14minutes).• Sleep Calculator provides a settings option to take into accountthe length of a sleep cycle (default: 90 minutes).• The clock hour format used by sleep calculator is the devicescurrent system setting (24 hours format or the AM/PM format).• Option to choose from 7 different themes / skins.• Option to choose from the available application translations incase you don't want to app in your native locale or have a languagepreference..What this app does notIt's not an alarm clock app replacement, it only allows you to addan alarm to your Android stock alarm clock app.Translators: help translate Sleep Calculator in yourlanguage so others can enjoy it too! Join the translation projecthere: in touchFacebook: version support: 4.1+Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Night Sky Tools - Astronomy 2.6.167
Sappalodapps Development
Night Sky Tools is the ultimate collection ofastronomical tools perfect for anyone interested inastronomy.The calculations are of a high enough accuracy for almost allamateur astronomy applications.Due to the fact that astronomy is often best when far fromcivilization where mobile signal may not always be reliable.Therefore, this app is (almost) completely self-contained and doesnot require any internet connection for most of the informationavailable. The only exceptions to this are the SOHO solar imagesand NGC/IC, Messier, Caldwell and Binary star images and weatherforecast which are loaded dynamically, as well as the refreshing ofsatellite, comet and near-earth asteroid data.Night mode turns the display red for night observations withouthaving to ruin your night vision.The Sky Map makes use of the direction sensors of the device toshow the sky above (or below you). Most of the features can betoggled in the settings. The Sky Map also allows you to turn on thedevice's camera to see the view behind the device with the sky mapsuperimposed over it.The direction sensors of the device may need to be calibrated ifthe map appears to be pointing in the wrong direction. To calibratethe device's sensors wave the device in a figure-8 pattern. If thedirection is still off, then the direction calibration can beadjusted manually by changing the setting in the Settingsscreen.The observation log, allows you to save observations in theapplications, as well as manage a list of astronomical equipmentand observing locations. This equipment is also available for usein the Telescope Calculator.Most of the data screens have an option to share the data viaemail, or other similar apps able to accept HTML content.The Astronomical Time is also available as a Home screen widget. Touse the widget, the app needs to be installed onto the internalstorage instead of the SD card, otherwise it will not beavailable.Some permissions are required for correct functioning of theapp:Location - used to determine user location throughout the appCamera/Microphone - used to allow camera background in skymap. Themicrophone is never used but this permission is bundled withcamera.Photos/Media/Files - used to allow proper functioning of the fullscreen images and caching of imagesNetwork access - used to do online searches, and downloading comet,asteroid and satellite data, object images and geocoding.The app is jam-packed with features:- Observe the sky with the skymap, planisphere, aurora forecast,polar finder, weather forecast, daylight map, Moon and Mars maps,SOHO images, Jupiter and Saturn's moons, Moon and Sun calendars andwhat's up.- Detailed object information on the planets, constellations,comets, exoplanets, meteor showers, near-earth asteroids,satellites, as well as the full NGCIC, Caldwell, Messier, 6thcatalog of Visual Binary Stars by the USNO and General Catalog ofVariable Stars catalogs, as well as a SIMBAD search.- Calculate angular separation, atmospheric refraction, magnitude,coordinate conversions, visual limiting magnitude, precession,redshift, and telescope airy disc, f-ratio and magnification- Astronomical references, glossary, HR diagram and stellarclassification.- Astrophotography tools for exposure time, CCD resolution,Untracked exposure time and optimal f-ratio.- Emphemerides for eclipses, equinoxes, conjunctions andoppositions, the sun, moon and planets- Observation log- Astronomical timeCaller IDNight Sky Tools has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you -even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book. You can disable or adjust caller ID to yourpreferences in the app menu settings or after-call screen settingsat any time.
Sappalodapps Development
A countdown timer with an intuitive touchinterface.Set the timer by swiping up or down on the appropriatenumber.Timer alarm goes off even if phone is asleep. Timer will honor oroverride silent/vibrate mode depending on user preference. Manytimer options.NOTE: Timer + paid version does not use internet.Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Billy (Top Music charts) 1.7.323
Sappalodapps Development
This is NOT the official Billboard app (infact, there's no official Billboard or Top 100 Android appyet).Billy lets you browse the top pop, rock, dance and more genresright now, and listen to them. You can as well watch the officialYouTube video of each of the songs and look at the best albums ofartists.Genres available:Hot100 (Billboard's most popular chart)PopRockDanceMetalCountryR&BRapThe songs list is provided by Billboard, who make and updateindustry-standard songs popularity charts like Billboard Hot 100and more. Billy uses SoundCloud as source for streamingsongs.Billy is the quickest way to get to the top songs. Try itout!* Caller IDBilly has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you - even theones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shown aftercalls and also allow you to save the contact details directly toyour address-book. You can always go to Billy's Most Popular songswith one click from the Caller ID screen.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in thesettings menu any time.Billy was developed by Vibin Reddy.
Volume Booster Pro 1.12
Sappalodapps Development
Volume Booster Pro is a phone sound boosterwhich has a pro version feature, which boost your phone soundsvolume to maximum with one key only. All you volume control can beeasily set with this volume booster. It can not only louder ringvolume, voice volume, phone call sound, Alarm sound and SMSmessages notification sound, but also can loud your phone speakerand headphones sounds. All these system volume realized in onesecond with this volume booster for android.This volume enhancer used as a music bass booster equalizer whichboost all your audio and video sound. So this can be used as amusic player that makes sounds like a HiFI system.It willimmediately increase all your volume at 30% extra. Install it andenjoy boosted volume.
my work shifts 1.52.19
Sappalodapps Development
Application allows you to store your workshifts (timetables)It is simple and easy to use so you can easily and quickly beinformed.For users with Samsung with Android 6.0+You must enable "use SD card" or else backup function will fail towrite on SD card.This option is at Phone settings -> Applications -> my WorkShifts -> Use SD cardFeatures:* create / change one work day* create / change multiple work days* create your own work shift pattern* alarm clock for a specific work shift* export month work schedule and send it via email, viber,etc* grid and list schedule view* extra notepad (with notes priority)* backup database to SD card* select work shift in color of your choice* select first day of week* Widget 1x4 (7 days preview)* Widget 2x4 (14 days preview)* Widget 3x4 (28 days preview)Supports 7 and 10 inches TabletsIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyou identify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu. 
my Location 2.25.7
Sappalodapps Development
Application informs you about your currentlatitude, longitudeIf internet connection is available, shows on the map your currentlocation and the address of the road.You can choose between normal or satellite map viewYou can save your locations and share via SMS, e-mail, Facebook,Google+, Skype, Twitter, and moreTranslations: English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese,Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi,Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish,Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, TurkishIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyou identify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu. 
Reading Light 2.180
Sappalodapps Development
Just a simple light app for reading books etc.It enables you to control screen brightness with slider andlock/unlock with long press on the screen.You can read book in night or dark places with this nice ReadingLight application. It is not bright as flashlight so provides niceenvironment for the book readers. Download and enjoy the readinglight.Caller ID featureReading Light has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you -even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book. You can disable or adjust caller ID to yourpreferences in the app settings or after-call screen settings atany time for free.
Sky Time 1.3.28
Sappalodapps Development
Sky Time contains a widget and applicationwhich shows numerous times of particular interest to astronomy,including local time, UTC, local mean time, sidereal time, juliandate, as well as sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset.The application is able to be displayed in normal mode as well asnight mode.* Caller IDSky Time has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you - eventhe ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book. You can always go to Sky Time with one clickfrom the Caller ID screen.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.
Astronomical Coordinates 1.1.28
Sappalodapps Development
Convert coordinates between horizon,equatorial, ecliptic and galactic coordinates, as well as convertcoordinates between DMS and decimal notation.This app is also available as part of the Night Sky Toolsapp.* Caller IDAstronomical Coordinates has free caller ID. It identifies callersfor you - even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID resultsare shown after calls and also allow you to save the contactdetails directly to your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.
Currency Converter 2.23
Sappalodapps Development
- Get currency exchange rates instantly formore than 180 countries- Sort currencies by using drag and drop- Convert currencies without internet access- Rates & graphs provided by No advertisement- Totally free & no limitation in any future !!------------------------------------------Quick Introduction------------------------------------------At the top of the screen you will see your base currency. Hereenter the amount you want to convert from. App will immediatelystart to convert your base currency to all other currencies in thelist while you are typing. If you want to change your base currencyto any other currency in your list just click on it. If thecurrency you want isn't in your list you can add a new currency byclicking "all currencies" button at the bottom of the screen.Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.Enjoy
PDF Reader Lite 5.1.16
Sappalodapps Development
• Extract PDF pages.• Create PDF from images.• Read PDF pages(Speak).• Support PDF text to speech.• Bookmarks.• Tab Layout.• Read Encrypted PDF.• show pdf index.• Open quickly and clearly.• Support search, scroll, zoom in and out• Jump by page number• Open password protected files• Browse folders• Contain table of contents• Search pdf files• Full screen read view.PDF Reader Lite has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show callinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are not inyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at any timein the settings menu.
Bruh Button
Sappalodapps Development
BRUH! The Official Bruh Button™ App. Voice by@Headgraphix. This app includes a Bruh Button™ and BRUH ButtonWidget for you to press the next time someone does or say somethingcrazy. The Authentic Bruh Button™ App also includes a 15 SecondBruh Button™ Challenge Game that tests how many times can you pressthe Bruh Button™ in 15 seconds. Give your friends/family the#BruhButton Challenge by sharing ontwitter/Facebook/Instagram/VineBruh Button has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show callinformation during/after calls - even for the contacts that are notin your phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at anytime in the app settings menu.Bruh Button now comes with handy information on battery level,remaining charging time and charging method whenever you startcharging your phone. No need for fiddly settings - it simplyworks.
Pocket Ephemeris 1.4.27
Sappalodapps Development
Displays the astronomical data for the Sun,Moon, the planets and the dwarf planets, including rising andsetting times, magnitude, distance to Earth, position, and muchmore.Night mode changes the display to a display suitable for nightuse.This app is a subset of the features available as part of the NightSky Tools app.* Caller IDPocket Ephemeris has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you- even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results areshown after calls and also allow you to save the contact detailsdirectly to your address-book. You can always go to PocketEphemeris with one click from the Caller ID screen.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.
Virtual Mixer for DJs 3.0.38
Sappalodapps Development
Fun Virtual Mixer for DJs App🎧 Revolutionary DJ app by Native Instruments🎧 Familiar DJ mixer layout with cross fade, 3-band EQ, and filteron each channel🎧 Built-in DJ effects🎧 External mixer mode for sending individual deck outputs toseparate mixer channels🎧 Enhanced time-stretching🎧 Turntables for making new music🎧 Mix tracks easily🎧 High quality soundMake your own dj remix music easily. Perfect for parties and fun.You can play two tracks at the same time and cross-fade just like areal DJ. Just choose songs that you want to mix and you are good togo. Let your imagination handle the music.Caller IDVirtual Mixer for DJs has free caller ID. It identifies callers foryou - even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results areshown after calls and also allow you to save the contact detailsdirectly to your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in theafter-call screen.
The Trader 2.4.10
Sappalodapps Development
The Trader is a strategy game where you playas a trader with a small shop, 'Aeco Goods'. You have to buy goodsat cheap and sell them at high in order to grow. You travel placesbuying and selling stuff and making fortune.- With the money earned, you can upgrade your shop, hire employees,buy jet and much more.- Prices rise and fall, markets grow and crash, money flows in andflows out in a flash, rumors speculate, and in the midst you are incontrol, applying cunning strategies, calculating risks,hiring orfiring people, counting profits and losses, bagging in cash,growing your shop and your economic empire and smashingleader-boards.- You can also try your luck in lottery, micro-manage yourfinances, hire correct people, take loans or hire a CA and avoidtaxes etc. to help you and your shop grow into megacooperation.- Test your decision making skills in Interactive events whoseresults will reflect on your bank-balance, company's stock valueand your image in the market.- Awesome pixelated retro graphics for old-school gamefeeling.- Grow yourself from an ordinary trader to a giant trading tycoonsimulation game.This is a completely free game, no IAPs, no other stupid stuff,nothing. Internet is only required if you want to sign-in withGoogle play services to upload your high scores and unlockachievements, otherwise the game is completely off-line.Enjoy!This game is inspired from classic 'dopewars' game concept.Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Snap Swipe Drawer 1.5.2
Sappalodapps Development
Snap Swipe Drawer is a drawer foryourwidgets and shortcuts, similar to the notificationsdrawer.Boost your productivity and access widgets from anywherewitha single swipe and without having to go to your home launcher.Keepyour home screen clean and organized.“I like using Snap not only to make essential widgetseasilyaccessible, but also to reduce clutter on my home screen”—The Next Web“Snap is an app that solves the widget problem” —AndroidAuthority“Snap makes your Android widgets reachable from any app”—Engadget“Snap Adds A Pull-Down Widget Screen That's AccessibleFromAnywhere” — Android police“Snap is a simple yet smart little productivity app”—Lifehacker“Access Your Widgets In A Unique Way” —AndroidHeadlinesFEATURES- Access widgets, shortcuts and apps from anywhere!;- Backlist feature;- Multiple activation modes;- Custom styles;❤ Do you like the app? ❤To help keep the development of app active, please considersharingthe app with your friends, leave a positive review on GooglePlayor unlock the pro version for extra features.Snap Swipe Drawer was inspired by the iOS widgets anditspurpose is to provide Android users a way to quicklyaccesswidgets, apps & shortcuts without having to leave thecurrentapp. It also helps to keep the home screen cleaner which isgreatfor minimal setups.HELP- The app doesn't do anything after enabling, why?Some Android variations like MIUI and Flyme OS might require youtomanually grant a permission to use floating windows. Please trytoopen the app info in the system settings and then look foradisabled option/permission that might be related withfloatingwindows.- Why can't i dismiss the app notification?The persistent notification helps to keep the service running inthebackground and it's highly recommended. On most devices it canbehidden in the app info inside Android settings.Snap Swipe Drawer has free Caller ID. Caller ID will showcallinformation during/after calls - even for contacts that are notinyour phone book. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at anytimein the settings menu.
Jupiter's Moons 1.1.24
Sappalodapps Development
This app allows you to view the currentpositions of Jupiter's 4 largest moons, and also provides a 12 dayprojection of the motion of the moons.This app is also available as part of the Night Sky Toolsapp.* Caller IDJupiter's Moons has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you -even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book. You can always go to Jupiter's Moons with oneclick from the Caller ID screen.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.
Pocket Orrery 1.2.24
Sappalodapps Development
Displays a model of the solar system, allowingyou to zoom between the inner and outer planets.The app supports zooming by using the pich-gesture, and providesvariable animation speeds.This app is also available as part of the Night Sky Toolsapp.* Caller IDPocket Orrery has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you -even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book. You can always go to Pocket Orrery with oneclick from the Caller ID screen.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.
Wallpapers HD (4K, QHD images) 1.3.15
Sappalodapps Development
Wallpapers HD are free beautifulwallpapers for every day. Wallpapers in this application arestrictly divided into categories and are only of high definition(HD, QHD, 4K images). The categories are selected in such a waythat they offer the most popular themes for wallpapers, includinglove, nature, dark, animals, macro, space, etc.Our main advantages:- A huge number of photos- A new wallpapers every day- Simple and intuitive interface- Only high-quality HD or QHD- Modern design- Installation of wallpaper in a few clicks- Possibility to add your own photos- Possibility to save on phone- Automatic change of wallpapers- Easy and simple searchEvery time you check your device, you will enjoy the beautifulwallpapers choose using our application. Everything is so simplethat all you need is just a few clicks to set the bestwallpapers.Let’s talk a little about our collection of HD wallpapers forandroid, I think,it might be interesting for you.Nature Wallpapers. Nature Wallpapers is a possibility tochoose the most beautiful pictures of various themes for yoursmartphone or tablet. Nature, forest, flowers, mountains, sunset,river – only the most spectacular scenery. The perfection of naturein its variety on the photos and pictures.Bright juicy colors of summer (Summer Wallpapers) and winter(Winter Wallpapers) –forest wallpapers, from which you canliterally hear the birds singing and feel the freshness of summerwind or the quietness of winter evening. Nature is fascinating, andthe choice of format allows you to install your favorite photos onany phone, and even on a tablet.Space Wallpapers. Space Wallpapers are galaxies, planets,stars, Moon, astronauts, spaceships, and Earth views, and all ofthese are in one application. Space and all that it involves are inhigh quality. Selection of the best wallpapers and high-resolutionpictures on the theme of space specifically for your phone ortablet.Dark wallpapers.Dark wallpapers look elegant and modern, andfor many people they are associated with mystery. In thisapplication we have collected the best dark wallpapers, stylishdark wallpapers made in different genres and directions, includingabstraction, animals, fractal, etc.This is only a small part of images that we have in our hugecollection. You should definitely take a look at other themes:Cities Wallpapers, Night Wallpapers, Sky Wallpapers, FlowersWallpapers, Texture, Minimalism, Material Design Wallpapers and alarge number of other themes.Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Eclipse Hunter 1.2.27
Sappalodapps Development
Eclipse Hunter calculates the occurrences ofsolar and lunar eclipses in a given year.This app is also available as part of the Night Sky Toolsapp.* Caller IDEclipse Hunter has free caller ID. It identifies callers for you -even the ones not in your contact list. Caller ID results are shownafter calls and also allow you to save the contact details directlyto your address-book.You can disable or adjust caller ID to your preferences in the appmenu settings or after-call screen settings at any time.
Sappalodapps Development
Do you want a super bright flashlight / torchapp ? Brightest flashlight app for you and it is for free.Flashlight has free Caller ID. Caller ID will show call informationduring/after calls - even for contacts that are not in your phonebook. Enable, disable or configure Caller ID at any time in thesettings menu.
Face Photo Filters 1.15
Sappalodapps Development
Face photo filters lets you make best photoswith art face stickers.Face camera photo filters is a great app for you to create coolsmiley app photo filters and stickers & emojis toyour photo.Create a great selfie by adding doggy face, coachella filter, catface, rabbit face, rainbow, animeeyes, masquerade camera, emoji, tears, text, art filters andmore.add as lenses filters as you want and make your pictures look morebeautiful.Face camera art filters features:- Take a photo or choose picture from your gallery- Select Filters/stickers/Emojis to put on your photos orselfie- You can adjust stickers with 2 fingers, also Zoom in/Zoom out,Rotate left/right- text to write on your photos- Save and share your photos to your social mediaEnjoy best photo filters app!Intelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.Face Photo Filters now comes with handy information on batterylevel, remaining charging time and charging method whenever youstart charging your phone. No need for fiddly settings - it simplyworks.
Horizon Calculator 1.2.43
Sappalodapps Development
Horizon Calculator calculates the height tothe horizon from a certain height, and vice versa.The app supports both metric and imperial units.
Funny GIFs & Jokes 2.0.19
Sappalodapps Development
Funny GIFs & Jokes - the bestcollection of jokes and funny animated GIF-files. Life should befun shouldn’t it? That’s why we want to offer you more joy and fun.We’ve collected your favorite animated GIF-files so you could enjoythem at your leisureFeatures:Huge amount of animated GIF filesAll GIFs were carefully selected and sorted by categories. You canfind such categories as animals, music, people, auto, nature andmany more. Tens of thousands of funny GIF-files.Simple searchUsing our search you’ll quickly find the GIF you’re lookingforShare your joy with friendsThis is the fastest and simplest way of sharing your fun with yourfriends. Share your favorite GIF in Facebook Messenger, Viber,Telegram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and many more messengers andsocial networks.My Funny GIFsSelect your favorite GIFs and they will be stored in your library.Then you can easily get back to them anytime and send to yourfriends. They will be available in “My GIFs” sectionIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helps youidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list. Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID at anytime in the settings menu.
Call & Email 2.934
Sappalodapps Development
Call & Email is a free email client that let's youmanagemultiple email accounts in one app. All of your emails willbe inone place in a beautifully designed user interface. Sendandreceive emails easily. Call & Email allows you a fastandsecure access to your email accounts. Sign in on the go It isaperfect replacement for your stock email app. This greatappinstantly detects who is calling you, and displays thecallerinformation in real-time. In addition, you can also sendemailsback to callers with a single click after the call. Email acallerdirectly from the caller ID screen - simple and easy. Thispowerfulapp enhances your mobile communication and productivityright away;giving you advanced call-related features connected toall yourvarious email accounts. What you get in this app: - Accessto allyour emails from this cool app – compatible with over 50mobileemail providers. - Sync multiple emails from all yourproviders ina beautiful Interface - Instant option to send an emailback to thecaller. - Caller ID - so you can instantly see who iscallingyou.  - Instant access to call logs, and to yourphonebookfrom the app - Spam warning when a spammer calls you. Getwarningsfor millions of spam numbers worldwide - Easy access to theemailfrom the after call screen. - Redial access from the appwithoutleaving your work on an email. - Text or mail a contactafter eachcall with one click.
Notepad – Notes and To Do List 2.1.17509
Sappalodapps Development
Notepad - The easy notebook for notes, to-do lists & grocerylists
Voice Recorder: Memos & Audio 2.887
Sappalodapps Development
The high quality voice recorder with call ID to record memos &audio recordings
Call Ringtone Maker 1.543
Sappalodapps Development
Identify unknown callers, choose your favorite tracks to createcustom ringtones
Titanium Voice Recorder 1.5.478
Sappalodapps Development
Titanium Voice Recorder is a high-quality recording app forAndroid.Record voice memos, meetings, lectures, and endlessotherpossibilities with this superior recorder. An intelligentCaller IDfeature allows you to identify unknown callers and recordquickvoice memos from the call information screen so that youdon’tforget important details. It also helps you avoid nuisancespamcalls. This top sound recorder app includes great featuresforsharing recordings and even setting them as notificationtones!Titanium Voice Recorder features: ✔ Identify unknown phonenumbersin real-time with Caller ID. ✔ Simple controls - just touchthe micto start recording and touch again to pause. ✔ Playerfunction toeasily listen to your recordings. ✔ HD Audio recordingusing 16Bit/8 Bit PCM Encoding (adjustable from 8Khz-48Khz). ✔Record instereo for supported devices. ✔ Record in a compressedformat(3GP/ACC). ✔ Adjust the volume gain of the microphone. ✔Simplefile manager to organize your default folders. ✔ ContinueRecordingin the background while using other apps. ✔ Send/Sharerecordingsvia email, WhatsApp, Dropbox, etc. (long click onrecording toenable feature). ✔ Rename/Delete your recordings (longclick onrecording to enable feature). ✔ Set recording as defaultringtone,notification or alarm (long click on recording to enablefeature).✔ Delete/Share multiple files at the same time.
Caller Name Announcer 1.708
Sappalodapps Development
Caller Name Announcer lets you hear caller names out loud withevery phone call
Notas 2.0.194
Sappalodapps Development
Notas is a cool caller ID app which instantly shows you whoiscalling you. The Caller ID will identify calls even if thecalleris not in your contacts. Notas also has the best notebookfeature -you can use it to capture a quick thought or create achecklistafter every call you make. Create a note in one tap simplyafteryou hang up a phone call. And that note can be anything youwant itto be! No limit to its characters – type as much as youwant. Keyfeatures: - Real-time Caller ID identifies who is callingeven ifthe caller is not in your contact list - Don’t worry aboutspamcalls! You will get warnings for millions spam numbersworldwide.This will keep your phone safe! - Save identified callersto yourphonebook with one click - Smart and effective after callactions -Fast access to your notes in one click after each phonecall -Simple user interface and a handy note search feature for theoneswho like taking many notes - Easily edit, share or delete thenoteDo not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions orideas ofhow we can make Notas even better!
SMS Message & Call Screening 1.0.315
Sappalodapps Development
The SMS Message app takes you back to the retro Android messagingexperience for SMS, MMS and video messages. This SMS app forAndroid is completely free, and has all the features you will everneed. Send text messages, attach files, pictures, recordings andmuch more. The app delivers text messages directly via the mobilenetwork, so no Internet or Wi-Fi connection is needed*. One of theadvanced functions of this feature-rich smart SMS Message app isthat it instantly shows the latest SMS exchanged between you and acontact when you make or receive a call. This handy feature canhelp you remember important details before you start talking. Ourtext message app helps you avoid unwanted calls too. The caller IDscreen displays at each call with real-time information about whois calling, even if the caller isn’t in your phonebook. This is agreat way to identify unknown numbers or nuisance calls. You canalso instantly save or message new contacts to your phonebook withjust one click. SMS Message is the perfect choice for anyonelooking for a clear and user-friendly app to send old-school SMS,MMS or video messages. SMS Message Top Features: • Multi-formatmessaging: Send SMS, MMS, and videos instantly. • One click toinstantly text a caller after each call. No need to insert numberagain. Easy! • Latest SMS: When receiving a call see the latest SMSbetween you and the caller. • Powerful Caller ID: Effectivelyidentifies numbers in real-time – even those not in your contactlist. • Spam warning: Get warnings for millions of spam numbersworldwide. • Save contacts: Save unknown incoming contacts with oneclick after each call. • Re-dial number: One click number re-dial.• Available on all Android devices. To offer you the best SMSmessenger & communication experience, SMS Message needs toaccess Phone, Contacts and Location permissions. Please note thatyou can always adjust caller ID and SMS to your preferences in theapp settings, or directly in the settings on the after-call screen.*Your service provider may charge you for sending offline SMSmessages depending on your contract with them. Please check withyour service provider regarding any charges you may receive.